FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tell Us Something We Didn't Know #2

I do love a good bit of scientific research that proves once and for all what we suspected all along. Recently a study proved that the male of the species are responsible for almost every conflict and act like monkeys. This stunning piece of science has been followed up with another one which we could entitle 'We could have told you that and saved your time'.
Now it could be considered wrong to point out that the right wing is less intelligent than the left, but here it is in black and white from men in white coats and i am more inclined to believe them saying the right are morons rather than a right winger saying they aren't not no morons who don't know their backsides from that hingey thing in the middle of each arm. Probably while dribbling.
The Ontario University have published their paper called Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology which revealed that people with conservative beliefs are likely to be of low intelligence.
Empirical proof then that right wing ideologies attract people of low intelligence so next time someones tries to argue that climate change is not man-made, the banking system is fine as it is or that capital punishment should be reintroduced, remember, they are probably a right winger and therefore a bit simple.
Joking aside, are socialists really more intelligent than conservatives?
On the panel tonight to disprove that right wing people are of low intelligence, we have Sarah Palin, George W Bush, Mel Gibson, Sylvester Stallone, Britney Spears and Chachi from Happy Days.
That's it George, turn your chair around the other way. No, that's upside down. Oh Britney, now we are going to have to get you another crayon, try not to get this one stuck in your ear. No Sarah, that isn't Russia over there, it's the car park.
I give up but scientific proof if it was needed, that men with their chimpanzee, warlike tendencies and now anyone with a right wing thought in their head should not be allowed anywhere near a position of power. Don't you just love science!


  1. this is stoopid and yuare dum.


  2. It's Canadian so it must be true.

  3. hmmm, i'm not into canadian bashing... but i could try i suppose.


  4. Atta, amazed. you are amazed. by Lucy's logic of her humor? please tell me her humor! she is very funny.


  5. I think Atta is trying to butter me up enough that i will go to Karachi for a spot of shopping. It worked of course and i am off to plot Pakistan High Street into my Sat Nav.

  6. how do we know atta isn't just david g trying another alias?

    oh, he isn't spewing his normal trash!! that's how.


  7. I am new to this blog. I find it confusing.

    What does Q stand for? Is it 'quacked' or 'queer'?

    I am sorry to ask if he or she is more than 10 years old?

    The parents of Q are not doing a very good job though having a retarded child must be difficult.

    Give them my sympathy.
