FOAB Information

Friday 30 March 2012

Biggest Lottery Win In History

The largest lottery jackpot in history, $640m, or £400m, has been won in the US by either a single a ticket holder or by three ticket holders depending on who you are reading, but whether it is $640m to one person or $213m to three, congratulations.
Even after buying the flash car, big house, going on holiday and looking after their family, the lucky winner(s) will still have more money than they will know what to do with which is an enviable position to be in.
Obviously in an ideal world it would have been better to see 640 people winning a million dollars each and changing their lives but of course that isn't how these things work.
What i can't stand are those people who complain about how a big win has ruined their lives. Simple solution, give it away to charity, to family members or even just divvy it out into envelopes and post it through random doors in your neighbourhood, don't just leave it in your bank account and whinge about it because nobody on the planet will give you any sympathy.


  1. i give the whole thing no thought, except when you blog about it...

    if complaining was eliminated from the universe people would complain about it. most people are whiny cry babies only aware of their own little problems...


  2. I aim to be thought provoking q. Failing that i aim to make left wing, tree hugging, hippy rants about things. Oh, i also like to heap praise upon fat South American leaders and regularly get corrected by your good self regarding economics, religion & gun laws because i know nothing about them but still spout off about them.
