FOAB Information

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Quackers Bibi

Benjamin Netanyahu has changed tact in his foolhardy race to drop large bombs on the Iranian population.
With support waning for yet another Israeli strike on a neighbour, he has began comparing Iran to ducks.
'If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, then it's a duck but this duck is a nuclear duck. It's time the world started calling a duck a duck' the comb-over Prime Minister of the Middle Easts biggest duck arsenal said but Bibi has a history of trying to get America to wipe Iran off the map for him.
In 1992 he said that Iran was 3 to 5 years from being having nuclear weapons and that the threat had to be 'uprooted by an international front headed by the US'.
So the renown warmonger and nanny abuser has been peddling the Iran nuclear bomb warning for the past 20 years but even Obama isn't buying it. During the 2011 G-20 summit, French president Nicholas Sarkozy was overheard saying to Obama, 'I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar' to which Obama responded, 'You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day.'
With an election coming up and with influential Americans Christian voters having this strange ritual of only backing prospective leaders that promise to defend another country, Obama can't just tell Bibi to duck off and stop being such a warmonger but the much mooted idea is that the Israeli will launch an attack on Iran some time before the election which Obama will have to support or risk losing his second term.
If it looks like a warmonger, walks like a warmonger, quacks like a warmonger..etc etc


  1. Careful you don't get called an anti-semite, calling Bennyboy a liar like that...

    Admittedly your allegation is completely true, but I'm sure you realise that you're running the risk nonetheless!

    (I'm not a fan of nuclear proliferation, but if I lived next door to him, I'd want a big f&ck-off nuke in my back garden too).

  2. lucy,

    i don't care about your perspective on this if i'm israeli. iran is a clear enemy. it does not matter who did what first. it does not matter what israel does, short of cede its existence, iran and iranians hate israel and israelis. if i'm israeli, busting iran is very high on my list, because if for no other reason, bustin israel is number one on the irani list and they provide plenty of fodder to justify this thinking.

    luckily im texan, not israeli.


  3. I was going to comment but Cheezy and Q have said everything there is to say in their own inimitable styles.

    Cheezy cuts right to the chase with his 'anti-Semite' observation while Q seems to involve Texas in the equation. Boy, that's real lateral thinking.

    Anyway, give those two 'good ol' boys' my best, Lucy, and tell them that love is the answer!

  4. So my observation that criticising particular Israelis on the internet is liable to get you wrongly labelled as an anti-Semite is somehow controversial, is it, David?

    Don't think so. I've seen it loads of times, including when I myself have been critical of the actions of the Israeli government, and been called an anti-Semite for my trouble. Wrongly, of course. I've nothing against jewish people in general and nor, from what I've observed, does the owner of this blog.

    You, on the other hand, actually are an anti-Semite. I've seen how you blithely refer to "the jews" as if they were one unitary group, intent on evil.

    Isn't that right, Mr David 'Love-is-the-Answer' G??... (oh the irony)

  5. I would like to think that after the years of people shouting anti-Semite at anyone wno criticies Israel or the Israeli government, it is no longer effective which of course had the opposite effect of what they wanted because now real anti-semitism slips in.
    Anyway if anyone disagrees with me i will call them anti-church of England and arrogantly dismiss their argument.

    As an Israeli q, you make a great Texan.
