FOAB Information

Wednesday 14 March 2012

UK & US Special Relationship

British and American relations have come a long way since the days when they wanted to see if our tea floated and we decided to see if their White House would burn. Such are the good relationship we hold together now that we can send them people like Piers Morgan and Dave Cameron they don't retaliate with a declaration of war.
For any Americans wondering who that slimy looking toad with the large forehead was stood next to your President for the last couple of days, that's David Cameron, our Prime Minister.
Obama really piled on the pomp and circumstance for Dave with a 19-gun salute, a ride on the Presidential plane to a basketball game and an over the top speech where the American declared: 'Through the grand sweep of history, through all its twists and turns, there is one constant: the rock-solid alliance behind the US and the UK. The reason is simple. We stand together and we work together and we bleed together and we fall together in good times and bad, because when we feel our nations are secure, the world is a safer and better and more just place.'
Allow me to park to one side the idea of just how much safer and just the World is because of what us Brits and those Americans have been up to lately, and lets ask ourselves just why Obama is being so nice to us? The same man whose first job as President was to return the bust of Winston Churchill to Blighty is suddenly a massive fan of Britain?
I remember the last time the American President and the British Prime Minister got together for a long weekend, it ended up with Iraq having its population reduced by over a million courtesy of cruise missiles and B52 bombers.
It seems that with American Presidents, the grinning usually comes with a pretty steep price tag and with Iran being maneuvered into the gun sights, we could be bleeding and falling together again soon.
Should of just turned up with a box of matches Dave.


  1. wasn't the last time a bombing of Egypt?


  2. i don't think you can credibly substantiate the 1,000,000+ deaths being at the hands of the US,UK, and NATO either.

    by the way, every iraqi is going to die, all of them, no exceptions, however many there are, no matter who leads the nation or the type of government they have... all dead people walking.

    but then so am i...


  3. "by the way, every iraqi is going to die, all of them, no exceptions"

    I'd love to see Blair trying this argument at The Hague! "But they would have died anyway, your Honour!".

    I can but dream...

  4. To answer your querstion if we can credibly substantiate the 1,000,000+ deaths being at the hands of the US,UK, and NATO, i ask myself would they be dead if NATO, UK and US had not invaded. Very high probability that they wouldn't so my answer is yes, we can blame them for their deaths.

  5. I call Godwins Law!!
