FOAB Information

Friday 25 May 2012

Eurovision 2012

As the continent gears up for the flamboyant Eurovision Song Contest final this Saturday evening, Spain's contestant, Pastora Soler, has said that some of the TV executives have been half joking with her that she should try not to win, because Spain couldn't afford to host the show next year.
It is hard to say if the same goes for other countries in the competition, at the best of times it looks as though most of them are deliberately trying to not win.
The Eurovision Song Contest rules state that the public broadcaster of the winning country must hold the contest the following year although there are those who argue that the Spanish TV executives were being a bit optimistic anyway and Spain was never going to bother the top end of the score board.
Italy are the current favourites which must be worrying Rome while the Greek entry is fancied as a dark horse in the contest. The other bankrupt country, Ireland, has entered Jedward again so they should safely be out of the running.
Clearly there are a number of European countries there who aren't exactly rolling in cash and the cost of hosting the show has set Azerbaijan back over £175 million but they did build a brand new concert hall for it. Norway was said to have spent £23 million in 2010 so it is a fair wedge for the winners.
Russia is by no means on it's uppers but you could be forgiven for thinking that by sending six 70 year old great grandmothers to sing their song they are not taking it very seriously.
The UK entry is being sang by pensioner Englebert Humperdink and we have spent all our money on this summers Olympics so we don't really want to win it but the chances and with the lacklustre song Engy is singing, it is pretty slim that we will win it but being a patriotic Brit i will be willing 'The Hump' to hand out a firm spanking to all the other Europeans and prove why the British have consistently been among the best singers and songwriters since Beethoven's cirrhotic liver gave way.
Come on Dingleburt Humpaduck or whatever your name is, with so many countries not wanting to win this may be our best chance to win the thing although it may have to be staged in a church hall in 2013 if we do.

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