FOAB Information

Tuesday 15 May 2012

The Myth Of Palestine

When you consider the hardship that the Palestinians have had to go through since 1948, it is no wonder that they have plenty of protests about their conditions but today is a special day for demonstrations because it is "Nakba Day", when they commemorate the displacement of 800,000 Arabs when Israel was created.
The demonstrations are held annually in Palestine and this years march is joined by Nakba protests in Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.
Of course the Israelis don't like any criticism of their actions, past or present, and even attempted to draft a law that would ban the commemoration of Nakba day in Israel and a three-year prison sentence for any Arabs who broke the law. It was only dropped after a wave of horror from the Israeli media pointing out that it would be yet another public relations disaster for Israel.
Undeniably, Israel's actions towards its non-Jewish citizens, occupied peoples and neighbours cause insurmountable difficulties for all but if Israel had been created in another part of the globe, would the World today be a more peaceful place?
The Middle East is a hotbed of terrorism and the vast majority of that regions terrorists use the Palestinians cause in their justifications of their actions. The countries surrounding the Jewish state are not on friendly terms with it and indeed the majority of countries around the World are critical of its actions so what if Israel had popped up somewhere else?
I can almost hear the Israel supporters gasping that Palestine is their spiritual home and where they should be but that wasn't what the fathers of Israel were considering when they were gaining support for a land for the Jews, they wanted to place Israel in Argentina amongst other places.
"Shall we choose Palestine or Argentina? We shall take what is given to us" said Theodor Herzl, the founder of the movement to establish a Jewish homeland which he thought would be Argentina because it was 'one of the most fertile countries in the world, extends over a vast area, has a sparse population and a mild climate'.
Another one of the countries he was pushing for to establish Israel was Uganda and then Kenya, only for the Herzl expedition to be put off by the wildlife and the large number of Masai who made it clear that they did not welcome a large influx of Europeans to their country.
Cyprus and Egypt were even considered by the Herzl committee who died before any firm decision was made.
Palestine may be where Israel ended up but only after looking elsewhere first but it was so close to being Argentina which would have changed the course of history not only for the Palestinians and the whole Middle East, but for the world.
It also makes a bit of a sham of the often quoted myth from Israeli supporters who argue that being where it is today is due to religious reasons because if it wasn't for a few lions spooking the exploration committee, there was every chance that Israel would very well be neighbouring Nairobi or Kampala although the plains of Argentina, not the land of the Arabs, was the first choice.


  1. If it's any help, there's a bit of scrap land at the bottom of my garden that's not doing much. Mind you, anyone who moved in there would have to promise:

    - not to make too much noise
    - not to disturb the foxes or the birds or any other wildlife
    - not to start a jihad or fire missiles at stuff
    - not to start stealing the neighbour's land, bit by bit.

    If that was all settled, then I could put a good word with the local council.

  2. I have informed the travellers that have been camped by our local park for the past fortnight that there is a piece of scrap land that they are welcome to go to. Save up your pennies because i can see a lot of lucky heather in your future.

  3. I'd rather take my chances with Hamas down the bottom of the garden...

  4. Cheezy, who are this Hamas woman you wants to have rumpy-pumpy with down the bottom of your garden?
    I doesn't forget you and my heart is still breaked, my pumpkin, my Prince.

    Rev Al, would you sent me your photo without clothes? Men of the clothe I am a magnet towards. During the business, I feel that God has parted my ways, like the blesst Mary when He gave her Jesus in swaddling and three wise mans.

    Let's not have nuclar war together, cheezy, anymore. Lettuce be friends, close, smarmybarmy, boats in harbor, trains in tunnels, splinter in finger.

    Hang up your smiting Britainish sword, lover, forsuck the ways of killing which Amerika the Warmongrel loves, lie down beside the still water with me. You'll never forgit it, I grantee

    Your Holly Lolly forever. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  5. Since you gave me the choice, I think I'll stick with the Warmongrel killing, thanks all the same Dave.

  6. At least the offer was there though and that's nice.
