FOAB Information

Thursday 3 May 2012

Tony Blair Redux

The bubonic plague, smallpox, deely boppers and those cup and ball games. There are many things that you hope once gone will stay away forever but nobody seems to have told Tony Blair who is keen to return to UK politics.
His first step in the long road back to not being egged every time he steps outside the front door is to hire a spin doctor as part of an attempt to drag his profile up from the sewer. Good luck to whichever firm gets the gig of rebranding him. Are there many more chalices more poisoned?
Maybe it was all part of the Blair master plan after it all went awry. Let Gordon Brown take the heat over his wars and lose the next election and wait for the Tories to get in and do what the Tories always do and hack off everybody while he swans off on an international magical mystery tour of expensive hotels, while making millions with his dreadful wife and come back five years later and see if people have forgiven and forgotten what a monster he was.
Seems we haven't.


  1. Quote from the Mail this morning:

    "The ex-PM is understood to believe that enough time has passed for people to have forgotten the disastrous effect of the Iraq war..."

    They say that nobody ever lost money betting on the stupidity of the general public, but if he's right about this, and we've all 'forgotten' that he told a pack of lies in order to take us to war, then I really am packing my bags and stowing away on the next rocket leaving planet Earth headed for... who cares... just away.

    But I still have faith that he's deluded about this - I can't see him ever running for public office again. Among everyone I know his reappearance would be about as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool.

  2. I am shocked that he is even considering it. I don't know if it is arrogance or he is thinking that the Tories are in and Labour voters would welcome him back to oust the nasty party again but whoever is advising him that this may be a good idea is very much out of touch. As welcome as a turn in a swimming pool pretty much sums it up.
