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Friday 22 June 2012

Is Kim The Problem With Western Society?

I don't know much about Kim Kardashian but Dr Helen Wright of the Institute of Development Professionals blames her for all that is wrong with Western Society.
"Almost everything that is wrong with Western society today can be summed up in that one symbolic photo of Ms Kim Kardashian on the front of Zoo magazine,' the doc ranted which seems a bit harsh to lay the many faults of the West at the door of a young girl who found fame via a home made sex tape and kept famous by virtue of having a big bum and a very good publicist.
Putting to one side Kim and her bubble butt, there are better targets that could be blamed for what is wrong with Western Society today.
The most obvious is steaming into countries under dodgy pretenses to exploit their natural resources but there is also exporting a faulty capitalist system which collapses frequently and makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Then there is an unethical arms industry selling weapons to despots, corrupt politicians, hard drugs, backing some of the most brutal regimes on the planet because it furthers our own interests, privatisation, willingness to pollute the planet, exploitative corporations, the idea that greed is good and removing other countries leaders.
Throw in a sprinkling of jingoistic xenophobia, a spoonful of right wing ideology, a cupful of bias media outlets and a splash of religious bigotry and i think that this list is much more of a recipe for western society's ills than Kim Kardashian appearing on the front of a magazine.


  1. good points lucy. i do think that a spoon full of left wing ideology has contributed too - acceptance of a drug culture proliferated by the far left movie industry, foul language (same movie industry), proliferation of the welfare state to the point that many people don't see any reason to work.


  2. The problems of the modern world are also contributed to by all the things that personally annoy me, completely justifying my instinctive distaste for them.

  3. I think the drug culture is to blame for much of the Wests decline q and not just hard drugs but booze also. I also agree that movies and TV play a role. The enlarged welfare state is, i'm afraid, planted at the doorstep of people like you who cheer unfetered capitalism and when it falls over once again every decade....hello Government handouts.

    Mobile phones with speakers are my latest annoyance, that and the dodgy taste in music on the mobile phones.
