FOAB Information

Sunday 3 June 2012

Obama Looking Shaky

I have largely ignored Mitt Romney, mainly because i didn't think he had a cat in hells chance of ousting Obama from the White House but suddenly Obama's grip on the Presidency is starting to look a lot less secure.
The latest unemployment figures of 8.2% have come as a bit of a blow and a much trumpeted statistic since they were announced is that no president has won re-election with unemployment at over 8%.
He has five months to go until election day and from my seat across the Atlantic, Obama has been brutally disappointing but the analysts are saying it will all come down to the US economy and on that Obama is sinking.
Obama has been pointing to the crisis in Europe as a threat to economic recovery in the US but if he is relying on a quick solution in Europe to help him stay in the White House, Romney may as well begin choosing curtains now because our economy won't be picking up anytime soon.
So we had better start digging into all things Romney because Obama may not be the shoe-in we all assumed.
Oh look, Romney is a fundamentalist religionist and his wife had $3m stashed in a secret Swiss account...oh dear.


  1. lucy,

    every american president has been a fundamentalist religionist. obama went to the same church every sunday for 24 years... and since truman they have all had a lot of money... and if it is secret how do you know about it?


  2. I class GWB as a fundamental religionist as it seemed his actions, or some of them, while President were guided by his faith. As far as i have heard, Obama has never mentioned God in relation to what he has done while in the White House. Romney, from what i read, is more in line with Bush than Obama when it comes to religion ruling his life.

    Apparently he published his tax return and someone somewhere said 'hang on, this doesn't look right' and Mitt said, 'hmm, well, about obvious error, just let me amend these last few years tax returns to correct the mistake that saw $3m paid into a Swiss Account'. Something along those lines, you never heard about that there? You must have done.

  3. i met romney yesterday and had a short exchange of words - really just a greeting.

    those fundamentalists are pretty scary, let me tell you...


  4. If I only had time for a few words with Romney I think I'd choose them wisely:

    "If I die before you, PLEASE don't baptise me in your cult!"

  5. i met romney a few days ago and had a very brief exchange of words with him. just saying. no point.

    but, if you are dead and/or don't believe in god cheezy, then why do you give a sh*t?


  6. Obviously it would make no practical difference to the deceased, but it smacks of real arrogance (with a nice dollop of madness) on the part of the people who carry it out.
