FOAB Information

Monday 2 July 2012

News From Iran

What with events in Syria being all over the news, Iran has been slipping under the news teams radars recently but it isn't because nothing has been going on there, far from it.
The Iranian army has been on military exercises, showing off their long and short range missiles and announcing that it has in its possession powerful new anti-radar missiles that seeks and destroys radar sources.
The Americans have been moving extra ships and aircraft into the region saying their moves are defensive and aimed at preventing any action by Iran particularly as the EU oil embargo is due to come into affect.
The Iranians say the reverse is the case and they are testing its missiles to counter American aggression.
While both are saying that they are exercising their military because of the other, there is a dangerous build-up of forces in the tinder-box Gulf and the build-up carries the risk of a relatively minor incident sparking off an even larger confrontation.
The Gulf is a volatile area at the best of times and to throw into the mix such firepower, it seems a matter of when and not if the conflict begins.
The West have been keen to bring Iran and Syria to heel for a long time and this could be their opportunity to remove two anti-Western Governments, one of them the 4th largest oil producing countries which only the most naive would refute is a major driver behind the decision.
China and Russia have been the stumbling block to the West, refusing to sanction military action in Syria and are even rumoured to be arming al-Assad's military. Throw in the upcoming American election and a belligerent Israel which, when all put together, makes for a very complicated and potentially explosive situation which will dwarf the global affect of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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