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Saturday 14 July 2012

Summer Rain

In the mind of poets and romantics, Summer is all about those balmy nights and long lazy days where the warmth of the Sun gently caresses your skin and the sound of children's laughter fills the air.
This summer has seen more raincoats and wellies than bikini's and flip flops but did we really want yet another scorching summer?
I admit i am not in the majority but i am loving our 2012 summer of rain. That may sound strange i know but i enjoy the sound of it beating against my window, the glorious scents it throws out, standing beneath a tree and watching the drops falling from the end of the leaves and the way everything glistens and the puddles reflect the shop lights. Anyway, what are we missing? Let me tell you.
Sitting on the grass and slapping ants off your legs before running away from a large buzzing thing or the pain of sunburn and the sound of people wincing every time they move before a week of flaky skin to reveal their original pale skin colour.
There there are the nights when it is just too hot to sleep and after an hour of turning your pillow trying to find a cold spot you give up and resign yourself to spending the next day being cranky. Open a window and you have personally invited every midge, mosquito and moth into your home. Manage to fall asleep and you will wake up with your hair plastered to your face with sweat and having to peel off your nightwear that seems to have become part of your skin.
Third degree burns off the seats of your car, smoke from barbecues making your eyes water, other peoples body odour, sweating if you do anything more energetic than turn your head, men in budgie smugglers, women in bikinis 2 sizes too small and people sitting out in their gardens drinking cheap beer and thinking that we all want to hear their CD collection until 3am.
That's what you are missing Britain and i for one say thank heavens for that and keep on raining!


  1. i am a rain person and i'm living on the edge of a desert... poor choice.


  2. Same here. Love the rain and hate the heat so this has been a good summer for me.
