FOAB Information

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Whine With Those Grapes John?

Just a few days ago the IOC president was making a big speech about how it is not the winning, it is the taking part but the American swimming coach was obviously in the toilet at the time because after his girl got beat by Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen, he sucked up the sour grapes and accused her of drug cheating.
John Leonard described the 16-year-old's performance as 'suspicious', 'unbelievable' and 'disturbing' and said said Ye 'looks like superwoman and any time someone has looked like superwoman in the history of our sport they have later been found guilty of doping.'
The coach has been widely criticised for his whiny outburst with the Chinese calling him 'biased', the Australians calling the slur 'rubbish' and the British delegation saying his words were 'unwise'.
Not content with bitching about one Chinese swimmer, he then went on to upset the whole of China by explaining that they have a history of doping that should make us all suspicious.
True, one look at the list of Chinese athletes who have been caught doping at Olympics since testing started bear that out with China having..oh, 1 athlete caught.
Greece has had 9 athletes caught cheating which makes them the biggest Olympic drug cheaters and America are second with 8.
So Mr Leonard points the finger at China for suspected doping while his own countrymen are the second worst culprits in history. That's embarrassing.


  1. haha classic. Won't shut them up though.

  2. Despite that relatively clean record at the Olympic games, it's also on the record that a big bunch of Chinese swimmers got busted for doping in the 90s, just as they were starting to dominate the sport.

    But yeah, it's definitely a bad look to criticise athletes who have been tested and come back negative. Much more gracious to just say nothing.

    Also, Ian Thorpe was interviewed yesterday and said that breaking your PB by 5 seconds was something that can happen (because he didn't it himself) when you're only 16 or 17 years of age, as your body is naturally developing at such a fantastic pace.

  3. Lucy, I keep looking at the medal tables trying9 to find Great Britain.

    Are they joining the competition later on or are they simply late developers?

    Australia is having mixed fortunes and a few tears have been shed with more to come.

    These games seem, in many cases, to be all about getting the best sportspeople that money can buy!


  4. Back to the topic, I see that the Chinese are now accusing Michael Phelps of being a drugs cheat!

    That American coach really did open a big can of worms along with his big mouth. He should have kept them both shut.

  5. It's got to the stage where anyone who is far better than anyone else is under suspicion but it does make me smile that the team with the second worst drugs record at the Olympics is pointing the finger at someone else at the Olympics. You are right, he should have kept his mouth shut because it look like sour grapes. From shouting his mouth off while she is passing drug tests just makes him look stupid.

    I don't know where we are in the medals table david but we added a couple of golds today so we must have moved up. Our strong sports are yet to come.

  6. We're 11th at the moment, Lucy. So if David wants to find us, he can either cast his eyes down past the first ten... or... alternatively, he can find Australia and then cast his eyes up a bit.

    To be fair though, at the time that David wrote that, we weren't doing so well.

    Fortunately, a cosmic universal law - as strong and undeniable as gravity - was activated as soon as he clicked 'Publish Your Comment' (i.e. 'Everything that David says is bollocks') and Great Britain instantly won two gold medals. The nation thanks you.

  7. When some of our big names that we were expected to win gold came up empty handed i thought i was going to have to delete the post where I slated Australia and boasted we were going to finish above them and just deny all knowledge of it but i don't need to now.

    North Korea are 5th!!
