FOAB Information

Thursday 12 July 2012

Why Is The Sky Blue, YOLO & Other Things

If you want to know the spirit of the times, i recommend Google which is an amazing tool for finding out what is on peoples minds if you only ask the right questions.

So type in WHAT... and the most asked question is 'What does YOLO mean?'. You Only Live Once

WHO reveals that the question most typed into Google beginning with the word Who is 'Who unfollowed me?' I assume this is a Twitter question and you can find out by going to Unfollowr @ Twitter or Qwitter

Where is next up and people are asking Where is Chuck Norris? He can be found at his website and the contacts page states that 'we love every email we receive at and they are all important to us' so you can ask him yourself where he is.

IS asks 'Is will i am gay?' - I have no idea but apparently he was chasing Cheryl Cole a while ago so i would guess not.

When we ask WHEN we get 'When is Easter 2012?' It was Sunday, 8th April so if you forgot to buy eggs this year, make a note in your diary for Sunday, 31st March next year.

Tough question when we move onto WHY, 'Why is the sky blue?' - The NASA website explains that 'The three different types of colour receptors in the retina of the human eye respond most strongly to red, green and blue wavelengths, giving us our colour vision. Light energy travels in waves, Blue is short, "choppy" waves and red and green light travels in long, lazy waves. All light travels in a straight line unless something gets in the way and scatters it and sunlight reaching the Earth's atmosphere is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves which is why we see a blue sky most of the time.

Finally, WHO IS Bansky which a lot of people wonder but as yet, nobody has unmasked him. We do know that he was born in 1974 and raised in Bristol, and trained as a butcher before becoming involved in graffiti.

I don't really understand the sudden interest in Chuck Norris or Banksy and why so many people have lost track of Easter but they are the questions that the billion of Google users are asking.

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