FOAB Information

Thursday 2 August 2012

A Grey Area

There's a sex shop not far from where we live but i have never seen anybody go in or come out but if the stories are to believed the sex shop trade is roaring and it is all thanks to the book series 50 Shades of Grey which i believe tabloids call a bit of a bonkbuster or an erotic novel to the rest of us.
It seems like the ladies of the World have been reading the graphic scenes of BDSM and S&M described in the book and have been making a bee-line for the shops with the blacked out windows to buy all manner of things that you couldn't easily explain if found by the children.
The book have sold a reported 20 million around the World and Ann Summers are reporting that sales of blindfolds, butt-plugs, whips and handcuffs have soared with the best seller being jiggle balls whose sales have risen by 200% and the German Manufacturer, Fun Factory, has had to start night shifts to keep up with demand.
Now it is no business of mine if more couples are adding handcuffs and riding crops to their bedroom repertoires although i admit that the idea of handcuffing my husband to a bed and gagging him is very appealing.
I could leave him there, shut the door and watch the Olympics in peace without having to listen to a running commentary of where we are during the events.


  1. First of all congratulations on the amazing, brilliant, almost inconceivable performance by your country at the Olympics.

    Australia, by contrast, has, to date, put in the most dismal performance I've witnessed. I have no idea why but I guess these things run in cycles.

    The disappointing thing is that this is the first year that I've had 8 channels showing only the Olympics so I can't avoid seeing every failure and I have listen to the commentators trying to rationalize each failure by our top athletes.

    Regarding sex toys, they show clearly the endlessly deviant nature of humans who can't be happy with simple rogering!


  2. We are going well but being the home nation it should be expected. I am surprised at how bad Russia and Australia are doing though.
