FOAB Information

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Benefiting From Climate Change Disaster

There are some environmentalists that i know who firmly believe that one day, those in power will finally realise what is going on with our environment and finally do something about it. I'm not so sure because if more extreme weather conditions and unprecedented floods won't do it, what will?
Yesterday it was announced that there is a record Arctic ice melt going on and the 2012 figure has not only beaten the previous record, set in 2007 but has beaten it with almost a months further melting to go according to scientists of the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency and the Norwegian and Danish government monitoring organisations.
NSIDC scientist Walt Meier said: 'This is an indication that the Arctic sea ice cover is fundamentally changing' and the Chief Scientist of NASA, Waleed Abdalati, warned: 'it's a situation with very, very much at stake and the potential for extreme events start to expand. This is what we're grappling with'.
Scary stuff you might think and look towards what the Worlds Governments are doing to save us from such catastrophic events.
Not what you may think because where we see melting sea-ice as a looming disaster they see it as an opportunity to mine for oil.
The Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal have said that the Arctic Circle may hold as much as 160 billion barrels, worth 18 trillion dollars.
Cairn Energy, an Edinburgh oil exploration company, is drilling four test wells off the west coast of Greenland and Shell, Rosneft, BP and Exxon are all in the process of starting programmes of oil exploration in the region.
Greenpeace said: 'We've seen how our actions are changing the world, and the idea that we're going to go and use the retreating sea ice as a business opportunity is frankly madness'.
The Arctic was largely off-limits because much of the land was considered unworkable as it was buried under hundreds of metres of snow and ice but global warming, caused by the very companies that are now benefiting from the disaster that is quickly unfolding on a global scale, is good news for the oil business.
The oil companies were always the most vociferous when it came to denying what was happening to the climate, donating tens of millions to the useful idiots in the climate sceptic groups who acted as their mouthpieces.
When future generations look back at the meagre inheritance that we have left them, they will rightly conclude that the people in power who could have done something about it, were among the most irresponsible and immoral politicians in history.


  1. Lucy, that the oil industry should be further profiting from the environmental damage that their products are causing is extremely ironic!

    But in a capitalist world, environmental damage is not important but profit is.

    Efforts at curbing global warming are band aid at best. Human greed not only destroys our world but it reduces humans to the level of blind gorging pigs.


  2. Agree with every word of that david, that they can now make a profit from the damage they have caused is enough to make any sane person spit but all they care about is profit and if a few hundred thousand people drown in floods or die in heatwaves they could not care less. It's the generations to come that i feel for, they will be left a basketcase of a planet.

  3. i presume both of you have stopped using energy and products produced from petroleum...


  4. We have a viable choice to stop using energy and products produced from oil? Will we ever have a viable choice until the oil runs out and needs must?

  5. i take that as a no...


  6. And I take it that you know there is no viable alternative.

  7. hell no. david g lives on a farm where he uses wood for heat, sweats in the summer, uses candles for light, cooks over an open fire, rides a horse to get around, grows his own food using horse and chicken poop for fertilizer, grows his own cotton and hand weaves his clothes.

    all you tree huggers have to do is go to a third world nation and you can do it to!

    what is holding you back? oh, you are a hypocrite aren't you? i'm sorry. or maybe you just like to be unhappy. or maybe you just want to impose your views on someone else to get the power rush... are you a democrat?

