FOAB Information

Monday 27 August 2012

More Conspiracy Theories

I once heard someone say that it is always better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are an imbecile than to open your mouth and confirm it which i thought was a great put down but i have never had the opportunity to use it.
Thankfully, as i was looking around the internet while writing the previous moon landing hoax post, I discovered that the imbeciles don't open their mouths anymore, they write a conspiracy theory blog instead.
Luckily there is a small minority who are never satisfied with the official version of a story and I love a conspiracy theory as much as the next person, but some are so far off the wall you do wonder how many times their parents must have dropped them on their heads when they where children.
Some are more well known such as JFK was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, as is widely believed. Rather, he was done in by the FBI, the CIA, the KGB, the Mafia, Lyndon B. Johnson, the Bush family or anti-Castro Cuban radicals depending on which site you read.
Some bloggers have a theory that the U.S. government either allowed the September 11 attacks to occur or orchestrated the attacks themselves in order to drum up support for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and to curtail domestic civil liberties via the Patriot Act and there is a similar theory of the US Government being willing to sacrifice it's own citizens when it allowed Pearl Harbor to be bombed by the Japanese so President Franklin Roosevelt could sidestep the publics opposition to entering World War II.
More old favourites are Roswell where an alien craft is meant to have crashed and Area 51 where the US Government is either holding these aliens or genetically modifying humans to create a super-race who may or may not be like the Illuminati who are dictating world events through business and government to bring about a New World Order.
Some of the more imaginative are Chemtrails, the white, puffy trails left behind by airplanes which are actually a fiendish plot by the Governments to blanket the sky with chemicals to control the weather, the population, or vaccinate against disease in preparation for a terrorist attack.
Another is evil barcodes which some claim are a means of control sprung upon us by governments or corporations and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami caused by the U.S. military in order to distract people from the Iraq war.
A recent conspiracy theory centres around Barack Obama's Birth Certificate, claiming that was not actually born in Hawaii as he claims, but that he was born in Kenya and not eligible to serve as president.
Elvis, Tupac and Osama bin Laden are believed by some to still be alive while Paul McCartney died in 1966 and the HIV/AIDS virus was created by the CIA to wipe out homosexuals and African Americans while a reptilian elite are among us just waiting for the right moment to throw off their disguise and enslave us.
Global warming is a hoax and just a ploy to tax the hard working man in the street and the Nazi's established a base on the far side of the moon and are still there today.
All crackers of course and any right thinking person would laugh at them and dismiss them right? Wrong.

In a 1990 poll for the New York Times, 29% of black New Yorkers indicated belief that AIDS was 'deliberately created in a laboratory in order to infect black people' while another 1990 survey for the Boston Globe showed that 34% of black churchgoers polled in five cities agreed 'the AIDS virus was produced in a germ warfare laboratory'.
In 2006, 16% of respondents in a Scripps-Howard poll said it was either somewhat or very likely that the collapse of the Twin Towers was aided by explosives secretly planted in the buildings and a 1991 Gallup poll showed that one in three Americans agree with the conspiracy theory that President Roosevelt knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor in advance.
In a 1999 Time/CNN poll, 6% of Americans believed that the moon landing was faked while a whopping 47% believed that the USA Government was withholding proof of the existence of intelligent life from Roswell in a Scripps Howard News Service survey.
The Guardian/ICM poll in 2007 identified a hardcore of 7% of respondents who deny the planet is getting warmer and 8% of respondents believed Elvis was still alive according to a 2002 FOX News poll and 12% believe so is Bin Laden.
Most eye opening is the 2001 Gallup poll showing that over 8 in 10 Americans (81%) believe that other people were involved in a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. Only 13% of the public believes the Lee Harvey Oswald version of events.


  1. Some conspiracy theories are absolutely hatstand, but others are the government (or whoever) basically getting away with it.

    You don't agree with the official story about everything do you?

    If you do, I have three words for you: Gulf. Of. Tonkin.

  2. I had the percentage of believers to the conspiracy theories and needed a post to hang them on so picked the most well known like Elvis and the out-there ones such as Chemtrails and the CIA invented AIDS because i found the numbers who believe them to be far higher than i imagined.
