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Saturday 25 August 2012

Neil Armstrong

This is the fourth time that i have tried to write this post, each time i just never seemed able to find the right words to do Neil Armstrong's achievement justice.
He was the first human to walk on the moon and it doesn't get any bigger than that.
A genuine modern day hero who rightly deserves his place in history alongside Yuri Gagarin, two men who really did make one giant leap for mankind.
In a statement announcing the sad news of his death, Armstrong's family praised him as a 'reluctant American hero who had served his nation proudly' and i would add the accolade that whatever we go on to achieve in space exploration, his will be one of the giants who shoulders his successors stand upon.


  1. Nicely put Lucy. A modern day hero indeed.

  2. Great man. Probably because of when I was born, I have the feeling that Neil Armstrong is the first famous person I was ever aware of (either him, Muhammad Ali, or Harold Wilson)... Nice tribute Lucy.

  3. no argument from me. i met buzz aldrin a couple of times because of john blaha. wish i'd have met armstrong...

