FOAB Information

Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Ever since that episode of the Simpsons where Mr Burns blocks out the sun, i have been concerned that someone would do just that but i am glad to see that i am not the only person freaked by a cartoon because the United Nations passed a resolution that made blocking out the sun illegal. Phew.
Not because they were worried about super villains so much as a someone in power decided that partially blocking the sun's rays will help slow climate change.
Apparently a few years ago there was a thought among some scientists at NASA that blocking some of the sun's rays could slow climate change by reducing the amount of sunlight warming the Earth and some proposed injecting chemicals into the atmosphere that would effectively "darken" it, letting in less light and heat.
Concerned that a superpower, yes we are looking at you America, decided that this global warming thing was bad for business and they didn't feel like cutting carbon emissions, they could induce a permanent twilight and carry on burning fossil fuels while cackling manically.
Economists have gone on record stating that geoengineering like this would cost a fraction of the amount of prevention policies, while essentially achieving the same results but the United Nations stuck a stick in their spokes by banning any plan to meddle with our sunlight.
Now i can sleep peacefully at night knowing that the UN is on it and their resolutions are always followed.

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