FOAB Information

Thursday 20 September 2012

Could You Be A Tory?

You are Government minister Andrew Mitchell and a policeman tells you to get off your bike and push it through the pedestrian gate. Do you:
a) Get off your bike and push it through the pedestrian gate
b) Shout 'Open this gate, I’m the Chief Whip. I’m telling you — I’m the Chief Whip and I’m coming through these gates.'

You are Government Minister Andrew Mitchell and a policeman still refuses to open the security gates. Do you: 
a) Get off your bike and push it through the pedestrian gate
b) Shout '"Best you learn your fucking place. You don't run this fucking government'.

You are Government Minister Andrew Mitchell and the Policeman threatens you with the Public Order Act. Do you: 
a) Quietly get off your bike and push it through the pedestrian gate with no further comment
b) Get off your bike and push it through the security gate while shouting at the police that they are 'morons' and 'fucking plebs'.

You are Government Minister Andrew Mitchell and you realise that there may have been witnesses to the event. Do you:
a) Go back and apologise to the Officer you abused
b) Only apologise after you learn that a newspaper is going to print the story of the events.

You are the Prime Minister and you learn that a member of your Cabinet has been overheard abusing a policeman in the course of his duty. Do you: 
a) sack him immediately.
b) Describe the comments as 'not appropriate' but otherwise ignore them.

If you answered A to all of the above then i'm afraid you are not the type of person that we want in the Conservative Party. Try the Lib Dems.
If you answered B to all of the above, then congratulations, you are repugnant, vile and elitist enough to join the Conservative Party.


  1. I like how he's continuing to lie about it. He apologised, but continues to deny swearing or calling them plebs. In other words, he's apologising for having a difference of opinion with a cop. And if you believe that, you'll believe anything.

    The other amusing aspect to this is the timing, coming as it does about a fortnight after Cameron put Mitchell in charge of party discipline!

  2. For what it's worth, it looks like he's saying he didn't say "plebs."

    Can folks say crap like this in Britain? That's downright medieval. I simply cannot imagine anyone of any rank publicly (or even privately) calling someone a "pleb" in the United States. A politician or businessman could not survive making such a direct and personal social class attack on someone.


  3. The irony of the man recently put in charge of discipline losing his discipline in this manner is amusing indeed. Especially in view of the double shooting of the officers in Manchester, his target was an even worse choice.

    As the main criticism of the Tories is that they are a bunch of rich, upper class twits, being reported calling someone a pleb is not going to change that view because the only person who would call someone a pleb is a rich, upper class twit.

  4. "the only person who would call someone a pleb is a rich, upper class twit"

    Well, to be fair, I've used this word before too. But only to actual plebs, rather than to someone who's just doing his job.

  5. I have heard it a few times since it all broke, it's the new insult. I don't think many people actually know what it means.

  6. Like flared trousers, I think it's been around the block a few times before! But here it comes again :)
