FOAB Information

Monday 17 September 2012

Crazy Little Thing Called Badger Cull

Fans of running around blasting small furry things to smithereens are celebrating today as the Government is poised to give the go-ahead for the full-scale cull of badgers in England in an attempt to protect cattle from bovine tuberculosis.
Defra Minister David Heath said: 'No one wants to kill badgers but the science is clear that we will not get on top of this disease without tackling it in both wildlife and cattle.'
The science may be clear to the Government but it isn't quite so clear to the scientist, Lord Krebs, whose research is being cited by the government to justify its plan who has described the scheme as 'crazy' or the former science adviser to Defra, Prof Robert Watson, who has said that culling will not solve the problem.
A decade-long scientific trial of badger culling concluded that such killing could make 'no meaningful contribution', and was 'not an effective way to control the disease' but the government is going forward with the plan despite the government's own impact assessment concluded that it would cost farmers more to carry out the cull than to do nothing and suffer any losses from bovine TB.
The last Labour government said an oral badger vaccine would be ready by 2015. The coalition cancelled five of six trials of injectable vaccines, and said a viable oral vaccine was 'years away'.
As these are same people who tried to kid us that the best way to deal with foxes was to chase them for hours on horse back and let a pack of dogs rip the exhausted animal apart, i am liable to dismiss them as morons and listen to the likes of the RSPCA, League Against Cruel Sports and the Humane Society International and Queen guitarist Brian May who are all opposed to the cull.
Yep, Brian May who took to the stage at the Olympic closing ceremony wearing a costume emblazoned with a badger emblem protesting the cull.
We got one of the best guitarists in the World on our side, you got the Wurzels and William Hague.


  1. baddgers huh.

    we are having to do it with hogs. domestic pigs and hogs that escaped have eventually created huge populations in the wild and are creating significant and measurable damage to crops.

    of course, the hogs being culled are used to feed the needy in the USA and Mexico.


  2. Maybe you can make pies out of them to give to the poor when they are queuing up to vote.

  3. nah, they want the food brought to them so they don't have to get off the couch. don't want to interrupt their movie or xbox game.


  4. Before banning the killing of badgers we had healthy badgers and healthy cows. Since the ban we have neither. Work it out.
