FOAB Information

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Different Faces But Same Result

One of the many reasons put forward by the people who put forward these type of things is that China will be a better superpower than America because America is a warmongering nation always looking for their next fight while China is a more laid back kinda place that won't go pinging cruise missiles around and invading places that by a happy coincidence, happen to be choc full of oil.
Not sure if it has been noticed what with the news being dominated by Kate Middleton's breasts recently but China and Japan are poking angry finger at each other all over a couple of uninhabited islands that potentially sit amid huge deposits of oil and gas.
It all started when Japan agreed to buy three islands in the East China Sea from a Japanese businessman despite the land being at the centre of a long-running territorial dispute with Beijing.
Angered by the Japanese purchase, China warned of 'serious consequences' and 'violating China's sovereignty' and swiftly sent six surveillance ships into Japanese waters stating that it would 'will take necessary measures to defend its sovereignty'.
An aide to the Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that Japan’s Self Defence forces might need to be deployed, as 'we cannot rule out the possibility that China will deploy its military' and to further complicate matters, Taiwan are also claiming the islands as theirs and sent a couple of coast guard patrol ships to sail around the disputed islands.
Japan has issued a warning to its expatriates in China to avoid going out in public as Japanese factories have been attacked by Chinese demonstrators and tonight a flotilla of around 1,000 Chinese fishing boats is nearing the islands with China saying that it will provide protection for the flotilla if Japan interferes with them.
That is a lot of boats in a very small area and with Japan an ally of America, it will be hard to see China walking away from this muscle flexing exercise as America watches on.
Hopefully it will dissipate safely but it seems whoever the Superpower, when its national interests are compromised, the result will be the same.

1 comment:

  1. fyi, the russians are scared of china, ditto the japanese, tiawan, s korea, and india... obviously japan and tiawan count on the usa for defense (not sure that is smart).

    note that neither cuba nor mexico nor canada are scared of the usa...

