FOAB Information

Saturday 29 September 2012

Lesson Learned By America?

What you have to remember while Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu turns up at the UN with a cartoon bomb drawn by a 4 year old, is that there is no evidence that Iran has, or is planning, to build nuclear weapons.
That fact seems to have been purposely overlooked as Israel press America to act and it seems to be working as a poll shows that 84% of Americans believe that Iran already has a nuclear weapons program and 71% think they already have the weapons. If Obama wanted to sell another war to his citizens than he wouldn't have too much of a problem but it seems that Obama is not as keen as Israel to take on the Iranians.
He has foiled Israel's push for an attack on Iran and refuses to agree to Netanyahu's 'red lines' which would lead to military action because he believes that there is 'still time and space for diplomacy'.
If there were evidence, there would be no question that Israel would come to the UN armed with more than a cartoon bomb picture and a red marker but it seems that America is holding back, possibly because they had their fingers burned a decade ago in the same region when they made they went to war quoting the Iraq  WMD program as justification only to find out Saddam was right all along at the cost of  thousands of American dead soldiers, a million dead Iraqi citizens, a bill of over $3 trillion and Americas tarnished reputation.
Hopefully, America, if not Israel, have learned the lessons of the past and are paying attention to the long list of 'no evidence' reports that the IAEA and there own Intelligence are continually providing.
In 2003 an IAEA report states that it found no evidence of activities related to a nuclear weapons program and in 2007 the U.S. National Intelligence Estimate reached the same conclusion a month before yet another IAEA report repeated their no evidence charge. 
In 2008 the IAEA said that all the past undeclared nuclear activities had been resolved and they had no evidence of any diversion of nuclear material for non-peaceful uses while in 2009 The U.S. State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research noted that the U.S. intelligence community has no evidence that Iran has yet made the decision to produce highly enriched uranium. A view confirmed in February this year by American intelligence analysts who believe that there is no hard evidence that Iran has decided to build a nuclear bomb.
There doesn't seem to be much love between Obama and Netanyahu, in 2011 Nicolas Sarkozy was overheard calling the Israeli Premier 'a liar' and Obama replying ‘You are sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day.’
When Nertanyahu requested a private meeting with the American President when he was the country this week for his UN speech, Obama refused and the US UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, was not even in attendance at the UN to hear Netanyahu make his case for attacking Iran, preferring to attend a lunch which should send a very strong signal to the Israeli Premier when even your only real ally ignores you, you are on shaky ground. 
If Netanyahu really believe that Iran is building a nuclear missile and has the evidence then he should present it otherwise Sarkozy is right and he is just plain lying and we know from previous experience that Israel have little conscience when it comes to taking innocent lives, ask the families of any of the 7000 Palestinians killed this century by Israel. 
We can only hope that the recent dismissal of Israeli noise shows a sense that the Obama administration is distancing itself from Israel because it wants nothing to do with a potential attack on Iran and that leaves Israel, already viewed as the greatest threat to World peace ahead of the Iran and the other bogeymen North Korea, sorely isolated and no amount of nursery school level drawings of cartoon bombs will change that.


  1. Sick of war? The U.S.?

    How come the country that makes and sells the bulk of the world's armaments and has the world's biggest army and has military bases all over the world is said to be sick of war?

    Whoever says that is ignorant! Or stupid! Probably both.

  2. David, i do think that you have your guns sighted on the wrong target unless by Americans you mean the American Government.
    One of my main moans about the way our Democracy works is that once a Prime Minister or President gets in, they then get 4 or 5 years to do what they please and there is nothing we can do about it. Remember Tony Blair and how there were millions protesting his Iraq War but we couldn't stop him. Britain is one of the largest arms dealers in the World but nothing we can do about it apart from protest. My point is that it is not right to blame Americans or British in general when it is the British and American Governments doing all the things we hate but the real kicker is even if we don't vote for any of the main parties, one of them has to get in and they will just continue being as evil as the last one and there is nothing we can do about it. Yes, that drives me mad also but it doesn't seem fair to blame a whole people for what their Government does.

  3. But don't the citizens elect the Government, Lucy?

  4. says the bloke from the land that elected Joh-Bjelke Petersen and Pauline Hanson, and only recognised the existence of any native title to land in the 1990s.

  5. DG,

    in the last 100 years the government has slipped away from the people and is now controlled by industry, international agreements, and the political parties.

    the founders would not recgonize it...

