FOAB Information

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Not Standing Next To Harry

I think i may have blogged about this last time it happened but obviously they never paid any attention to me because Prince Harry is back in Afghanistan and everyone knows it.
Now if Harry wants to get his clothes on and go over there and play soldier then that is up to him but now that the Taliban know he is there, they will be doing all they can to claim the Prince's scalp and that heightens the danger for anyone in the proximity of him.
Very irresponsible of whoever made the decision to publicise that he would be flying helicopters in Afghanistan for the next few weeks, i would make sure i was a few streets away from him at all times and reason number 746 of why the Royals should be turfed out and Buckingham Palace turned into flats.


  1. Lucy, most people in the world know by now that the Afghanistan invasion has been a magnificent failure just like the Iraq one.

    If the British, the Australians and the Yanks had any brains at all they'd hightail it out of there before more lives are wasted.

    But you can't keep warmongers like the U.S. and Britain away from killing and destroying, can you?

    It's in their blood!

  2. Well would you rather have normal British folk be the cannon fodder or Prince Harry take the job on for them?

  3. @Nog: I think I'd rather have Piers Morgan or John Terry or Melanie Phillips or Michael Gove or Frankie Cocozza* playing the 'target' in this particular game of target practice. But, failing that, I guess Harry will have to do.

    * I've just realised that you probably won't know who most of these people are. This is to your credit.

  4. Normal British folk are more in danger now, they have gone from being general targets to being major targets by association if they are in the vicinty of Prince Harry. Don't know why they had to advertise the fact that he was there, it's just given the Taliban an added incentive to ping more RPGs around if they needed one.

    I would sign off all of them for that mission Cheezy, and if Piers or any of them came back i would send them back again dressed in dayglo orange.
