FOAB Information

Sunday 9 September 2012

The Mayor Of Rabbit Hash Is A Bitch

The good folk of Hartlepool are known as 'monkey hangers' here due them once finding a monkey on a shipwrecked French ship during the Napoleonic war, holding a trial and hanging the animal as a spy as it refused to answer their questions.
Obviously, the people of the Northern town are stupid which is why in 2002 they voted a man in a monkey suit running on a platform of free bananas for schoolchildren, as Mayor of the place and despite failing in his one promise of free bananas, he has been voted back into office twice.
Voting a man inside a monkey suit to run the affairs of the town may sound strange to us but the people of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky won't be very impressed as they have been voting actual animals into office since 1998.
The first elected non-human official was a dog named Goofy who was elected Mayor and replaced in 2004 by another dog named Junior who run things until his death in 2008 when a new election was called and contested by ten dogs, a cat, an opossum, a jackass, and one human being but was finally won by a border collie called Lucy Lou (slogan: A bitch you can count on) who beat Travis the cat in a narrow victory.
Mad i agree but the back story is that the Town almost went under in the late 70s and is maintained by the Historical Preservation Society but it does have a rather naff website where you can read about the 2008 elections and the prospective candidates and be transported to a Huckleberry Finn World where the message on the Gift Shop section of the website advises visitors to 'Please check back cuz we're fixin' to get some more stuff soon!'
I think after losing out on the election the Jackass went back to his former job as the Towns webmaster.

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