FOAB Information

Friday 28 September 2012

X-37B Theories

Those Americans Government types are up to something sneaky again, sending a space plane into the sky but not having the common decency to tell us why.    
The US Air Force will only confirm that they will once again launch its mysterious X-37B space plane back into orbit for a third time, but what it will do there remains a mystery, the Air Force only saying that it's job is to 'assure access to space for Department of Defence and other government payloads' which isn't really giving anything away.
In the absence of an explanation, the conspiracy theorists have made up their own and they think that it is either engaging in sneaky surveillance missions or this is a step to weaponising space.
NBC said that 'The satellite can see through night and through bad weather, which means that it can also zoom in to any country with great detail, like a Google Earth on serious Cold War steroids' China though think something much more sinister is afoot.
China's state-run Xinhua news agency said 'Industry analysts said the spacecraft could be a precursor to an orbiting weapon, capable of dropping bombs or disabling enemy satellites as it circles the globe'.
Whatever it is doing, whether it is gathering information on us all, working out how to drop nuclear bombs from a great height, is up there to knock out everyone else's satellites or is a new kind of reusable spacecraft, America isn't telling but it has China spooked which may well be the whole point, psyching-out the opposition.
Or is it there and armed to the teeth with lasers because an alien invasion is imminent but that's my own theory.


  1. it is where we keep Elvis.


  2. And I thought it was where Obama keeps the few Yanks that aren't exceptional or members of the exalted group that make up the Greatest Nation In The History Of The World.

    All I can say is it's fortunate that most Yanks are modest and self-effacing unlike the arrogant British who look down on them.

    P.S. I was only joking, honest!

  3. dg,

    i think i'm glad you post here. it seems that if you didn't have some place to exhaust your anger and hatred of america you might explode...

    i'm trying to understand why your gut is twisted about the uk and the usa. Does this go back to Israel? Do you hate Jews? Are you one of those Nazi types? Seriously? i heard they have internet in Guantanamo... you aren't in Gitmo are you?

    There is plenty of hate in the world (and you ain’t no mother Teresa with all the hate you spew), and there are many nations that repress their people, mostly women, and deny property rights, free speech, free thought, education, and more.

    - 85% of china is still below the poverty level and they are building up their military and threatening Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan. Oh, and if they don’t like you there is no law to protect you.

    - Russia is one huge organized crime syndicate. Ditto Mexico.

    - The Muslim nations run by tyrants (albeit some are benevolent) where women are little more than chattel.

    - Chile is a freaking military state. Argentina is close. Venezuela is close. Cuba is a military state.

    - Africa, what is the point. The worst continued self abuse of humanity since the rise of humans.

    And with all this going on you think the USA and the UK retract into its borders and let china crush japan, taiwan, etc. and let Russia retake eastern Europe and let the radical Muslims put the entire western world back into the pre-industrial age by denying access to oil (which wouldn’t work because we actually have as much oil as they have, plus natural gas, and coal)?

    Or do you think the USA and UK should try to fix the world which couldn’t be done by Rome, China, or any other great empire in human history?

    or do you just hate everybody?

    really. what the hell do you want?


  4. What I want is a peaceful world, one based on universal equality, one based on cooperation not competition, a world free of the infantile superstitions of religion, a world that rewards honesty and integrity, a world that respects nature, a world where greed is a dirty word, a world where killing other humans is regarded as heinous crime not a sport, a world free from indoctrination and racism and an economic system that rewards the carpetbaggers and spivs, a world where people actually use their intelligence for the common good rather than themselves!

    Being an American, I know all these wishes of mine are entirely foreign to you, Q, given you are merely a product of your arrogant nation.


  5. hey,

    my arrogant nation is made up of people from all nations of the world with more annual immigration than the rest of the world's nations combined...

    and i don't have a problem with the ideals you seek, except that "equal" is not a clear word. it means many different things...

    and humans that don't compete are not humann - they are something else...

    and the purpose of "civilization" is to indoctrinate the upcoming generation with the "knowledge" of prior generations (so we don't start over every generation like other animals)

    and greed is a dirty word, but there is not a clear meaning of greed. many people consider property rights to be greed.

    you say well on your psycho blog - the problem with people is people...

