FOAB Information

Saturday 27 October 2012

How's It Going Over There?

Iraq: At least 40 people, including several children, have been killed in a series of attacks by insurgents across the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Two car bombs exploded on Saturday killing 12 people and wounding 27 followed by a bomb in a bus station that killed 10 and injured 31. Hours earlier, a roadside bomb planted near an open-air market in the eastern neighbourhood of Bawiya killed eight people, including four children at a playground. Police said another 24 people were wounded in the blast.

Libya: Reports that the Libyan city of Bani Walid was captured by army forces, killing 600 people in a single day of fighting and over 1,000 have been hospitalised. Locals are appealing for international aid.

Afghanistan: A suicide bomber has attacked holiday worshippers outside a mosque in northern Afghanistan, killing at least 45 people and injuring more than 60. The blast in Maimana, capital of Faryab province, happened as a crowd left morning prayers for the Eid al-Adha holiday.

Nice to see that the three places were we last intervened militarily are turning out so well. Next stop Iran and Syria then.


  1. yes but in iraq and afhganistan they are democratically represented killings.


  2. Nothing takes the sting out of your loved ones becoming separated from their lower limbs like the knowledge that it was done for some imposed, selectively-implemented, culturally foreign, multinational-corporation-endorsed brand of 'democracy' (TM).
