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Tuesday 16 October 2012

US Election Celebrity Endorsements

The US election is only a few short weeks away now and i'm undecided if i want the one who has carried on and expanded on George W Bush's wars or the one who will start up some new ones. Decisions, decisions. The Communist Kenyan or the gaffe prone Mormon, i'm stumped so i'm going to let the celebrities World tell me what to think.

Romney has some pretty decent singers lined up alongside him including Kid Rock, LL Cool J, Gene Simmons, Alice Cooper, Kelly Clarkson, Nicki Minaj, Donny and Marie Osmond, Meatloaf and the Beach Boys. Most impressive is Johnny Van Zant who is the frontman for Lynrd Skynyrd who sang the brilliant Free Bird.
Singing for Obama is Gwen Stefani, Maraiah Carey, Jon Bon Jovi, Cher, Miley Cyrus, Gloria Estefan, Foo Fighters, Lady Gaga, Carole King, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Pink, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam.

The film actors with Romney include Clint Eastwood, Robert Duvall, Chuck Norris, Andy Garcia, Jon Voight, James Caan, Sylvester Stallone, Linsey Lohan, Tom Selleck, James Woods, Stephen Baldwin and Johnny Depp.
Obama has Alec Baldwin, Jack Black, George Clooney, Robert De Niro, Danny DeVito, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Samuel L. Jackson, Al Pacino, Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, Natalie Portman, Martin Sheen, Will Smith and Reese Witherspoon.

The TV Actors for Romney include Kelsey Grammer and Scott Biao and Obama has Scott Bakula, Alyson Hannigan and Sarah Jessica Parker while out of the authors we have Dean Koontz with Romney and Stephen King with Obama and in sport Jack Nicklaus and Hulk Hogan backing the Republicans with Muhammad Ali in the Democrat corner. 

Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump are cheering for Romney while Bill Gates is supporting Obama.

I think i would rather attend a Romney supporters music concert than an Obama one (Miley Cyrus!!), but i would rather watch a film with Obama backers in it rather than the Republican offering (although i would fast forward it to the bits Johnny Depp was in).  
A TV show starrinbg Quantum Leaps Sam Beckett and Willow from Buffy would appeal more than a show with Frasier and Chachi from Happy Days and on his day Stephen King is still just about readable and better than Dean Koontz but the clincher is Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump, i can't be on the same side as them in anything so its Obama for me.
Thanks celebrities, you make voting so much easier.


  1. I'm tempted to go with Lindsay Lohan.

  2. It surely is the world's biggest political farce bar none.

    Whichever psycho wins, the world loses and we march onward towards nuclear war.

    Better start digging your shelter now!

  3. dg,

    if you are right about the US, then we will nuke iran before they can nuke us. it seems we have a way test your views about the US...

    time will tell us and we won't have to wait more than a few months.

