FOAB Information

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Bashing The Bishop

After 12 years of debate, The Church of England has decided it won't let female clergy become bishops after all.
Not sure what the big bearded bloke in the clouds would make of it, i thought we were all equal in his eyes but apparently not and the Church of England refuses to join the rest of us in the 21st Century.
Maybe us women should start up our own religion, it all nonsense anyway and we can leave out the bits about killing gays, people Who Don't Listen to Priests, Witches, fortunetellers, anyone who hits their parents, anyone who curses their parents, adulterers, anyone who follows another religion, non-believers, women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night, Blasphemers and people who work on Sunday.
Yes, would be very much nicer than that male dominated religion we have been stuck with for the past 2000 years.   

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