FOAB Information

Monday 12 November 2012

Hammering The Fuel Suppliers

A report by the Department of Energy and Fuel have linked thousands of people dieing each year from illnesses linked to fuel poverty.
It found that 2,700 people die each year because of health conditions directly attributable to lower indoor temperatures in homes due to not being able to afford to heat there homes due to the rising cost of fuel.
Today, the Financial Services Authority, is announced it was investigating claims by a whistle blower that Britain's gas market has been 'regularly' manipulated by the big power companies.
They may say 'regularly manipulated' but what it means is that the people who supply our gas has been deliberately distorting the prices and blatantly profiteering on energy bills despite the constant cries of fuel poverty.
MP Caroline Lucas said 'this is corruption on a massive scale and a shameful case of corporates coming together to exploit a public utility' and she is right but i would say that they are complicit in the deaths of those 2700 people who die each year due to the prohibitive price of warming their homes.
Customers should be able to demand demand compensation from the companies ripping us off and then the law should be involved because in their push for bigger and bigger profits, people have died directly because of their actions.
Privatisation, what a bright idea that was. The whole system is designed to make profit for large companies who don't care how people pay their extortionate prices or in this case whether they live or die, as long as they make a profit.
The whole lot of them should be re-nationalised because privatisation doesn't work. It DOESN'T bring greater efficiency, it DOESN'T bring any benefits to the customer, it DOESN'T bring the best prices for the consumer and it DOESN'T bring the best service.
Scarily the Conservatives are still following the failed Margaret Thatcher ideal of privatisation and they have the NHS in their sights.


  1. you started privatizing because your socialistic economy was broken circa 1980... now it seems you can't make in a privatized world either... doesn't bode well for the UK.

    Not to worry, it seems the USA is right on your heals...


  2. We privatised because of right wing ideology, the same reason Cameron is looking to do it today but it doesn't work because profit always becomes the main priority.

  3. i like working for a profit. it makes me improve because i know people will only pay my price if my service is good.

    i'm not scared to fail or lazy, so i don't need a guaranteed government job.

    i don't like getting my services from the government because they are generally poor quality for the price.

    the reason the USA and UK have fiscal problems is because too many people work for the government. they are so busy trying to find ways to avoid risk or hard work that they are inefficient and must increase taxes constantly to make up for their poor performance.

    for example, teachers in wisconsin: they work 10 months a year, have numerous holidays, see fault in every part of our educational system except themselves, gripe about everybody that makes more money than them, take retirement at 55, and demand to make $100,000 annually. no risk. no accountability. mediocre results. wow. that is audacity only enabled by socialism.


  4. the reason the USA and UK have fiscal problems is because too many people work for the government

    Funny, we have been told it was due to all those disabled people not working and rich taxpayers having to pay 50% tax which is why it had to be cut, they lied to us??

  5. For anyone to say that there exists "the" reason (i.e. one, singular) why we're currently down a financial hole will always be ideologically-driven bullshit, no matter who says it, or for whatever reason. There's a large number of different reasons, and anyone who tries to tell you different will be telling you much more about themselves than about macroeconomics.

  6. "wow. that is audacity only enabled by socialism."

    Wisconsin is a socialist state? That one slipped under the radar.

  7. lucy - who do think provides all the services to the disabled (i have no problem) and self-unabled (i have big problems)?

    cheezy - it is, check it out dude


  8. cheezy,

    ok fine. there are numerous reasons but i think the biggest reason is... what i said above.

    too many people working for the government - they produce value but not wealth (all of their pay comes from taxes - and the taxes they pay came from taxes too - just a discount of their pay in actuality).

    worse, in the USA and i suspect the UK, the gov workers are largely serving a group of people (poor) that are not adding either wealth or value.


  9. I just did a bit of reading about Wisconsin. As I thought: not socialist. Another mixed economy.

  10. there may not be a pure 100% social nation. maybe cuba, unless you count the "black market". maybe the arab monarchy's...

    my comment was intended to mean that they have stronger social leanings than most other states in the USA.

    if you are gonna take everything i say literally then i ask that you also do that with lucy since my comments are in regard to her comments and her comments can rarely or never be taken literally...


  11. north korea! do they have any private enterprise? nope, don't think so... now that is an economy and nation to use as an example!

