FOAB Information

Friday 30 November 2012

Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

The Christmas adverts are on the television, the advent calendars are being pinned to the door and we are planning what bit of the ceiling will be on the receiving end of a drawing pin this weekend when we stick up the decorations.
It's the first of December tomorrow but i have been listening for weeks how it seems that Christmas starts too early and anyway, it's just an excuse to pump shoppers for a few extra quid to buy the tat in the shops. Bah Humbug to 'em, I'm with Andy Williams in declaring It's the most wonderful time of the year.
To some it is about the birth of Jesus, to others all about the decorations, the carol singers, the anticipation of snow, advent calendars, Christmas films, the school nativity play, holiday from work, Christmas pop records and the general feeling of goodwill that builds as the advent calendar is carefully opened with each passing day.
If you don't like Christmas for whatever reason, pipe down and shove a mince pie in your grumpy face because the rest of us do. 


  1. send me a pie please, i hate christmas.


  2. Expect the first ghost when the bell tolls one, the second when the bells tolls two and the third at three.

  3. Not until you have sang jingle bells and i mean the proper version, not the batman smells and robin laid an egg vesrion.

  4. i refuse, just give my my pie

