FOAB Information

Thursday 8 November 2012

Obama To Stick It To Israel?

Apart from climate change, Israel was not mentioned so much in the US election apart from by Mitt Romney who the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, threw his weight behind which turned out to a bad move as the Interior Minister realised saying the day after Obama's re-election 'This is probably not a very good morning for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu'.
Mr Netanyahu must hope that Mr Obama will not bear any grudges especially as Israel are trying to convince the US to get involved in another war on their behalf in Iran.
The Jerusalem Post are wary of the damage their leader may have done to Israeli-US relations, saying 'Israel-US relations are already in need of some serious repair, and let us just hope that we are not in a situation of "all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again."
Obviously the challah bread in the Jerusalem Post office had a few too many poppy seeds on it that day but i think it would only be beneficial for all involved if Obama decided to cut Israel loose for a bit. 
Israel can only maintain its outrageous stranglehold on Palestine land and keep its army so well armed with the backing of US dollars so if Obama decided to hold the cheques back, Israel would be forced into negotiating with its neighbours rather than dropping explosives on them and then bleating that they are the victims.
Netanyahu has an election himself next year and Obama, already on frosty terms with the Israeli Prime Minister, will get an opportunity to repay the favour and back either Olmert or Tzipi Lizni.
This could work out quite well for the much downtrodden Palestinians, an American President with nothing to lose and an Israeli Prime Minister unpopular with the man who writes the cheques.
If Obama wants to cement his place in history and actually earn that Nobel Peace Prize, this is his chance.

1 comment:

  1. dream on lucy,

    then he would deserve his nobel prize...

    instead, expect military action by israel and a verbal rebuke from the usa.

    why our leaders fear the russians or chinese controlling the area which is a launch point into africa, asia, or europe

