FOAB Information

Monday 31 December 2012

2013 Psychic Predictions

As i sit here, 2012 is fading and 2013 is closing in fast and it is only natural to ponder what will the new year bring. Well, we can stop pondering because Psychic Nikki is here and her clients include movie stars, politicians, sportsmen and women and business folk and if she is good enough for them, she is good enough for us.
Her website lists over 200 predictions for 2013 so let's pick out the juiciest few and delve in and see what we can expect to read about in our newspapers in 2013:

A fire and explosion at a subway in New York City kills many.
Nuclear attack on New York.
Terrorist attack at the Empire State Building.
Stock markets world-wide will close for one week.
Man-eating plants.
Seattle, Washington in ruins after a large earthquake.
Cuba and Puerto Rico becoming part of the USA.
A weather satellite will come crashing into a building.
CN Tower collapsing - fire and explosion.
Civil War will break out in the USA.
A 9.1 earthquake hits Moscow, Russia.
North and South Korea attacking each other.
The map of the world will change due to catastrophic events happening around the globe.
Earthquake in Egypt, destroying part of the pyramids.
A famous person will get eaten by a grizzly.
India and Pakistan at war.
Trains blown up in the USA.
A bomb blast at Buckingham Palace.
A car accident – Royal Family of Monaco.

Pretty bold and unambiguous predictions from Nikki, none of them particularly cheery but we will come back in 12 months time and see how she got on.


  1. I despise cranks like 'Nikki'. I've no doubt that she's found more than enough idiots so that her 'profession' is very lucrative for her.

  2. Looking at her website she isn't making enough money out of it to get a professional to do it for her. I do like the man eating plants scenario though, it should be like the Little Shop of Horrors film with any luck.
