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Friday 21 December 2012

Damn Mayans

How annoying is that. There i was making jokes about the apocalypse like there was no tomorrow, thinking there wouldn't be, and the Mayans turned out to be about as good at forecasting the end of the World as those economic experts who all missed the global recession.
I really wish that I hadn't bought that speedboat on my husbands credit card and eaten all my advent calendar chocolates in one go now.
I was kind of counting on the end of the world to not bother buying Christmas presents and the inevitable zombie apocalypse doesn't look like it is going to materialise before Tuesday. Stupid Mayans
Hang on, here it was 11.11am and that's Mayan time so OUR time its 3 30pm....bugger again. Grrr, damn Mayans.


  1. so much for the lost knowledge and brilliance of the ancients... and thus the superiority of the scientific method.


  2. oh you know, people are always talking about how the ancients had all this incredible knowledge but it was somehow lost (one way to explain the pyramids, the funky symbols carved into the land all over the earth, reincarnation, etc.) i say tripe.


  3. The scientific method agrees that this is tripe.
