FOAB Information

Friday 14 December 2012

Do Something Meaningful Obama

President Barack Obama has said America's leaders must 'take meaningful action regardless of politics' in response to the mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school.

You are the President and you don't need to worry about re-election so do something meaningful, don't be shouted down by the gun owners and address your gun laws which you should have done after the last mass shooting, or the one before that, or the one before that because it will be too late after the next one and as sure as the gun owners will trot out the same tired line about guns not being responsible for all the gun deaths in America, there will be a next one.


  1. luckily he is president not king.


  2. He has nothing to lose, he can't lose votes by it.

  3. I'm still waiting to see whether Obama is going to build a Death Star.

    School shootings were a statistically nonexistent cause of death yesterday, they're a statistically nonexistent cause of death today, and they'll be a statistically nonexistent cause of death if there's one a week. Far more lives would be saved if cars were made 0.05% safer than if no school shooting ever happened again.

    Actions with real consequences should not be taken to fix imaginary problems. And for all useful purposes, school shootings never occur.

  4. i didn't mean that lucy. he cannot do anything but talk. the congress has to do something. the senate has to agree. then obama can sign it. then the supreme court has to uphold it. depending on the action, it may require a vote by each state with 2/3's of the states having to approve the change.

    the actions of this one deranged man were so shocking that it may be the catalyst for change. it almost felt like 9/11 again.


  5. The issue of deaths by car is a mainstay of pro-gun supporters when discussing deaths by guns. As weak an argument as that is, it is still used.

    It seems that because of the age group that has been killed q, this could be a time where the anti-gun movement could make real inroads into your laws. I don't have access to the American News channels anymore but from the snippets i have seen on our channels, there is real anger after this shooting that i never really saw after the others. I don't know what Obama can do, if anything, but as you say, this could be a real catalyst for change. Would many pro-gun politicians want to be seen defending the gun owners when one of them has done this?

  6. He could pass an Executive Order Lucy which by-passes Congress. he White House website lists all the Executive Orders Presidents have passed and Obama has passed 3 already this month alone.

    White House

  7. executive orders direct federal agencies. they cannot eliminate a law but can instruct federal authorities to ignore them (enforecement of immigration laws for example). they cannot create a law but can instruct federal authorities to enforce them in certain ways...

