FOAB Information

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Fox Hunting Not Coming Back Anytime Soon

There was some bad news for the people who like to chase creatures across fields until they collapse from exhaustion and then rip them to shreds as the Environment Secretary, Owen Paterson, said that there was no imminent prospect of repealing the hunting ban.
Mr Paterson said: 'There's only a point having a vote if you're going to win. At the moment, it would not be my proposal to bring forward a vote we were going to lose. There needs to be more work done on Members of Parliament.'
While it is good news that the lovable people who get a sick kick out of killing defenceless animals are still whining about their 'sport' being rightly outlawed along with hare coursing and cock fighting which were all equally barbaric and all thankfully consigned to history, but it is worrying that Government are going to 'work on the Members of Parliament' to try and win the vote.
The RSPCA and other animal welfare charities commissioned a research poll which showed that only 15% of people want to scrap the ban so the Government want to 'work on the MPS' so 85% of the population of the country is ignored. 
That's a strange kind of Democracy, where the vast majority of the UK support the ban but the Government are willing to coerce and threaten the law-makers to appease the underwhelming minority.
The Government won't offer a referendum on it as they know they and the 'let's kill it brigade' will be heavily defeated and rightly so, so this Boxing Day rather than the sound of horns and the chasing pack, it's the sound of the gentry and posh folk whinging about how they are not allowed to kill things which in the 21st century, should always be preferable. 


  1. what keeps a government from being a tyrant is when the minority has the freedom to legal right to try and become the majority...


  2. Most of the Government are pro-hunting, including Owen Paterson, because most of the fox hunters are posh, rich land owners and went to the same schools as the posh boys who are in Government. What made me stop was the 'more work to be done on the MPs' line before the vote. Some leaning to be done there then on behalf of the 15%.
