FOAB Information

Thursday 27 December 2012

Google Zeitgeist 2012

2012 was a bit of a strange year but using Google to look at the most searched for terms, we can get a good idea of what the citizens of the World have been up to.
Using Googles Zeitgeist 2012 we see what the search engine was used to find out the most 'How to' questions by country.
In the UK and Ireland the most asked question was 'How to draw' so we can deduce that up and down the UK and Ireland, the paints and easels were out.
The people of Australia and America were both asking 'How to love' the most and the Danes were asking 'How to Kiss a man' while the South Africans were less gender specific, they just wanted to know 'How to Kiss'.
The Swedes have a bit of a reputation of being the first in line when any type of bodily contact is taking place but this year they had other things on their minds, the most searched for question was 'How to pay tax'.
The Israelis have not got as far as the Swedes yet, they were looking for 'How to make money' and the folk in New Zealand need to buy keyboards with a PrtSC button on it as they were asking 'How to take a screenshot'. 
The Japanese were asking 'How to スマホ 節電' which took me to a mobile phone website about power-saving shortcuts and the Russians were asking 'How to become kinder'.
Finally the Italians asked 'How to Come fare Sesso' and the website that took me to, well, if that is what they are doing in Italy, if they are not careful, it could leave a very bad taste in one`s mouth if you get my drift.

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