FOAB Information

Friday 7 December 2012

Let It Snow!

The south coast of Britain doesn't get a great deal of snow as it has usually turned to snow by the time it makes it down here but if the weather forecasters are right we may well be seeing snowmen and Christmas card scenes this year as the weathermen are saying this is going to the coldest winter for 100 years.   
Temperatures are expected to fall as low as -20C in rural areas forecasters have warned with heavy snow and blizzards.
James Madden, forecaster for Exacta Weather, said: 'We are looking at some of the coldest and snowiest conditions in at least 100 years. This is most likely to occur in the December to January period with the potential for widespread major snowfall across the country.
Even us down here at the bottom of the British Isles map?
'The South faces a bout of unusually heavy snowfall in December'. Woohoo!!
Before we get to the good stuff though, Jonathan Powell, of Vantage Weather Services said that after a wind and rain will 'charge back with a vengeance tomorrow as a low-pressure weather system moves in from the Atlantic with parts of Britain deluged by four inches of rain and lashed by 80mph gusts of wind for the next three days.
As this year has seen weather records tumble it might be worth noting that the Lowest temperatures ever recorded was −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) in Antarctica in 1983 while the lowest temperature in England was −26.1 °C (−15.0 °F) in Shropshire, West Midlands.
Maybe this year we will get a white Christmas but as most of us have to work until the 24th December, the trek to work may become a bit of an adventure especially as a a few millimetres in the midlands the other day stopped trains and closed motorways so heavens knows what an 'unusually heavy snowfall' will do to our transport system.
Maybe we should be adding ski's and a snowmobile to our Christmas lists or just stay indoors because as we have a place to go (work & school), let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

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