FOAB Information

Monday 17 December 2012

Now We Know How The World Will End

I think it has now been accepted by us all that the World will end this Friday but the lingering question is how will it go out?
The favourite for global annihilation was always an asteroid hitting the planet but that theory is beginning to look a bit jaded because it would have appeared on our space radar by now and anyway, that's been done before.
There is still an outside chance that the World will flip and send the Pole's sliding toward the equator and Brazil will be where the Antarctic now sits or that the Earths magnetic field will fail catastrophically but no rumblings of these things yet and its only 4 days away.  
There is still an outside chance that we will all wake up Saturday morning, not only alive  but regretting that telephone call to our boss we made Friday evening telling him that he is by far the largest self-abuser we have ever met and he can place his job in a shady area, or words to that effect.
But wait, just as we dare to believe that we will make it through this thing, NASA announce that later this week they will be crashing two spacecraft into the moon at nearly 4,000mph.
So should we be worried that it will knock the moon out of orbit sending it into a deadly tailspin which will send it crashing down onto us therefore ending all life, probably on 21st December?
Obviously we should. Nice one NASA. Idiots.

1 comment:

  1. I nominate DG to pilot the first one since for his vision, speeling, and leadershiop skills.

    Chill Lucy, we can use the cheese...

