FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 December 2012


I'm trying my hardest to make December just a Christmas post but it's like the World is daring me to go the usual route with news of Israel being evil yet again with its illegal settlement building and Palestinian tax holding and the Royal Family popping out another one that the Government will keep with our money.
Then there is Starbucks suddenly coming to the conclusion that actually they have been wrong over the past 15 years and they really should pay tax on their multi-million pound UK earnings while the Government say it is wrong to name and shame and generally harass big business over their tax evasion while the Leveson press regulation argument rumbles.
That's some serious stuff for a blogger, especially one who has spent almost 1500 posts kicking out at the Royals, big business, tabloid newspapers and Israel but i won't succumb.
It's Santa, baby Jesus, Carols and dings donging and bells jingling all the way to Christmas whatever the fates throw our way.


  1. Happy Holidays Lucy!


  2. And many happy returns to you q even without the mince pie.

  3. I WANT MY PIE!!! don't make me come over there and get it!


    ps - btw, the queen apparenly buys several rum cakes each year from a bakery in little east texas town that we drive thru to get to my wife's family... whodda thought?

  4. That's a long way to go to buy cake. I have a picture in my head of the Queen and Philip queuing up to buy rum cake in a bakery.

  5. yeah, i think they mail order it and i suspect it actually one of the royal minions that do all the work...

