FOAB Information

Monday 14 January 2013

French In Mali

Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and now Mali but instead of the usual suspects bombing from high, it seems to be the French wanting to flex their military muscles this time but they do seem to be doing on their own.
America considered intervening last year as the rebels took over the northern half of Mali but opted for training and arming the Malian army instead which went a bit pear shaped when leading army commanders went over to the rebels camp taking the arms and equipment with them.
Britain and America, usually at the forefront when there are some rebels to be killed (apart from in Syria) seem to be keeping their heads down on this one, Britain saying they support France's actions but stating the British military would take a rain-check on this one but offering a couple of transport planes, one of which is being patched up after it broke down on the runway.
America has promised satellite intelligence and a few kind words about solidarity with France but that's all while Germany said the deployment of German troops is not for debate and the rest of Europe has decided to look the other way.   
A handful of other African nations have offered troops but for now France is on it's own although the French foreign minister is saying the campaign will last 'a matter of weeks'.
We'll see if this conflict becomes a Libya or an long drawn out replay of Afghanistan or if as it drags on and we keep reading reports like yesterdays of how French planes killed 11 civilians, 3 of them children, how much appetite France has for the fight.
It does seem thought that France has taken on something that it might not find quite so easy to finish, especially as nobody is rushing to help them fight yet another Muslim country.


  1. It seems strange that France, Britain and the U.S. are the world's principal warmongers.

    These three nations are caught in a seventeenth century mindset when attacking, colonizing and plundering were all the rage.

    Evolution has not been kind to these three predator nations. Other nations have moved on and have embraced more peaceful pursuits while the terrible three are still in the Dark Ages, still bombing and killing like there is no tomorrow.

    Perhaps we have to have a nuclear war to get rid of such retarded nations forever?

  2. Britain and America have always been up for a bit of war but i'm not sure what is happening to France. Possibly they were stung by the criticism they got over Iraq and are over-compensating in the war on terror now. Can see them being stuck in Mali for a while yet though.
