FOAB Information

Sunday 20 January 2013

Gun Safety

In the wake of yet another gun massacre in America, this one leaving 20 children dead, President Obama is mulling over plans for controlling guns in his country but of course, some gun-toting Americans don't want their President telling them what to do with their guns, petrified that the Government will enslave them if they don't have a firearm or just in case the British decide to return and set fire to the White House again. It could happen, you never know. 
To demonstrate their opposition to any gun controls, gun owners across the United States were encouraged to rally at gun shops and shooting ranges to show that on the whole gun owners are responsible and guns are safe in their hands.
You know what's coming.
At the Dixie Gun and Knife Show in Raleigh, a 12-gauge shotgun discharged as its owner unzipped its case shooting two bystanders and a deputy sheriff. In Indianapolis, a man was unloading his .45-calibre semi-automatic when he shot himself in his own hand and in Medina, Ohio, a gun dealer was checking out a semi-automatic handgun he had bought when he accidentally pulled the trigger and shot his friend in the arm and leg.
Maybe if Obama is looking to reduce the number of guns owners in America he should just organise more gun rallies and they will do the job for him.


  1. 320 million Americans, 300 million guns, 4 stupid accidents. Great perspective Lucy.


  2. It may not prove anything much, but it's definitely amusingly ironic, no?

  3. I guess it is cheesy. Our nation is under attack internally and has changed so much in my life time that in many ways it isn't recognizable. More people get gov aid, taxes rising, "free" health care, Hispanics over taking the Anglo population via illegal immigration, Christians under constant verbal attack, men under constant verbal attack, minority quotas, my daughters passed over by 2 universities so Latinos with lower qualifications could get in, gay marriage, ACLU, biased press, now my guns. After a certain amount of the things you believe in are changed it gets harder to see the humor as humor but instead just another chip in the already large pile of what was once your way of life.


  4. Ouch. I'd invite you over here, only the weather would drive you mental.

  5. Well i found it funny. These guns..sorry...are perfectly our might want to move over there....and there is no....ouch, careful there....danger to anyone....that was close Cletus...bang, sorry.
