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Friday 18 January 2013

No Sympathy For Lance Armstrong

I really haven't gone out of my way to find out much about what Lance Armstrong had to say and luckily the Oprah interview is being shown at stupid o'clock on an obscure channel so i didn't have to try that hard.
From the snippets i have read he did apologise but i would say the only thing he was sorry for was getting caught, not for what he did because it was only a few months ago that he was still vigorously denying cheating and only had a change of heart when the evidence against him became overwhelming.
Hence, this public relations damage limitation pantomime where he says sorry, sheds a tear or two and throws himself on the mercy of the public.
Of course it is all nonsense, he has not only lost millions as his endorsers drop him like a hot brick, but over the years he has got millions by taking to court anyone who has accused him of cheating and now The Sunday Times, Le Monde and SCA Promotions are among the many who have set in motion legal action to recoup the money Armstrong wrongfully took from them. 
I assume after all this over, Armstrong's reputation will not only be wrecked but financially he will not be in a good place and that is how it should be, he cheated, he got caught and he deserves everything that he has coming to him and i for one won't be fooled by a few crocodile tears on Oprah because he may be sorry but he is only sorry he got found out and if he hadn't been, he would still be doping and racing and suing anyone who dared question him.

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