FOAB Information

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Well Done Piers

                                                                               Usually, when Piers Morgan is around, the biggest moron competition is over, but for once he wasn't the biggest mug on the set, that award went to the hilariously screwy Alex Jones.
There is a saying that sometimes you should let people think your an idiot rather than open your mouth and confirm it and Alex not only confirmed it but rubber stamped it as well.
I'm no fan of Piers Morgan, i find him arrogant, patronising and smug and for 15 minutes a red-faced Alex Jones shouted over him and made his crazy points about 1776 and the second amendment while Piers stayed cool and calm under the provocation, even when Jones began talking an English accent that even Dick Van Dyke would be ashamed of.       
It is refreshing that for once I come away from watching a Piers Morgan interview and not thinking that he was the biggest tosser out of the two. Well played Piers, you had better stay there a bit longer and keep up the sterling work that you are doing over there handing enough rope to idiots like Jones. No seriously, stay there.


  1. I watched the video of the 'interview' and thought Jones must have had a massive line of cocaine before the cameras started rolling, but then I checked YouTube and it seems that this is his normal demeanour.

    The other thought that occurred to me was... 'wow, a paranoid freak like that, and he's armed'... Nothing that old potato-face could have said could have matched the chilling power of this realisation.

    Do you think it was a bit of a cheap, sensationalist ploy though? Y'know, booking someone on the show who's so obviously mental?

    Having said that, the tinfoil-hat-wearing nutjob still had a good point about Morgan's paper running those fake photos from Iraq. Ha!

  2. Complementing Morgan for handling Alex Jones is damning Morgan with faint praise...

  3. I think someone saw or knew all about Alex Jones and thought hang on, if we get this bloke on our show he will rant and rave and make himself look a dick in front of millions, which he did. I don't know anything about Alex Jones but whoever advised him to do it when the offer came along should be regretting it because nothing good came out of it for him and if have been outwitted by Piers Morgan with his backlog of dirty laundry, you should keep your head down.

  4. Lucy, jones is a freak. This was like Fox News interviewing Fidel Castro on the merits of capitalism, only Castro has more political savvy in his little toe than jones has in his whole body. Jones is sane, but he is the most anti establishment person in my awareness. He is the alter ego of DG.


  5. I did wonder if the ranting and raving was part of his image, i keep seeing 'shock jock' before his name so wondered as it was so over the top was it an act? Him trying to live up to his reputation and acting how his supporters would expect him to act.

  6. He and his followers see all presidents since 1946 as part of a conspiracy to rule the world constrained only by a population of free Americans. So, he thinks the presidents have a plan to destroy the USA. Obviously he sees disarming the populace as the final obstacle. Frankly, Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, Adams, et al would see disarming the populace as a threat to freedom... I see it as a threat but I don't see as being imminent. I see it as a well intended but foolish movement by the American left to reduce crime. I don't know why people think any nation is immune to tyranny. All that is needed is collusion between a few military leaders and an unarmed populace. Witness Germany, Cuba, Italy, and Russia in the last 100 years...
