FOAB Information

Saturday 2 February 2013

Another Great Idea Rejected

Britain has a problem with its nuclear waste because the only place in the country that was willing to to dig a big hole and bury it have suddenly decided, actually, they don't want it there.
So here we are stuck with tonnes and tonnes of the glowing stuff but nowhere to store it, until i came up with a great idea, dump it all into a volcano. Problem solved now the only problem is where to hang all the Environmental awards that will be winging  there way to me.   
Or so i thought before the volcano geophysicists came along and ruined it all.
Apparently the problem is that in order to melt the uranium waste a required heat of  5,189˚F is needed and the hottest volcano we have is only a piddly 2,400˚F.
Another problem would be that the fuel rods wouldn't sink due to the thickness of the lava being continually pushed upwards and if the volcano ever erupted, ash, gas and radioactive fuel rods would be spewed for miles around along with radioactive lava which is apparently not a good thing.  
As my other idea of sticking it in a big box and posting it to Australia was rejected on moral grounds, it's back to the drawing board.

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