FOAB Information

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Good Old Billy Ray Harris

When i have had enough of spouting my left wing, hippy, tree hugging propaganda, i always thought a nice blog with just good news would be my next thing
but luckily there is enough right wing nonsense that winds me up to keep me going for a while yet so the good news blog will have to stay in the pending
That said, there is a good news story on the Sky News website today that makes me realise that in a World where the likes of George W Bush and Donald Rumsfeld live, there are also folk like Billy Ray Harris who is proving that the good guys can win.     
Miss Darling tipped her spare change from her change purse into the homeless Mr Harris's cup, forgetting that her engagement ring was also in her purse.
Two days later, she found Mr Harris and he gave the ring back to her.
So grateful was Miss Darling and her fiance that they set up a page at the giveforward website to raise $1000 for the beggar but now that the story has spread, $152,000 has been raised and all donations are to be given directly to Billy Ray at the end of the 90 day campaign which closes 15 May so the final amount could be a very tide sum indeed.
Nice story as they get their engagement ring back, Billy Ray's honesty has earned him a shot at getting his life back together but most importantly, we are reminded that there are decent people amongst us.   
Enjoy it Billy.

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