FOAB Information

Sunday 10 February 2013

Mokhtar Belmokhtar: The New Bogeyman

Now that Osama Bin Laden is swimming with the fishes in the Arabian sea,  the World has been on the lookout for a new bogeyman and after a few attempts to paint Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim jong un as the big bad, the powers that be seem to have decided that Mokhtar Belmokhtar is the one they will use to justify spending billions on military equipment to keep us safe in our beds.
It's quite easy to see why Mokhtar has been picked out of all the crazies as the Bin Laden replacement, the long grey beard, the fatigues and the fondness of posing in front of a video camera brandishing a copy of the Koran and a Kalashnikov while spouting religious nonsense.
He came to prominence after the Algerian gas plant hostage taking last month as the top banana in the North African Al-Qaeda Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) but he has been knocking around terror circles for some time, starting out in Afghanistan alongside Bin Laden fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan before returning to his native Algeria and trying to overthrow the Government there.
Where Bin Laden had a $25 million bounty on his head, Belmokhtar has only $100,000 on his at present but he has made in on to the infamous Pentagon's list for targeted killing and drones have been dispatched to find the man who blew his own eye out with explosives so his reign as the new face of terrorism, not to mention his own face, may be short lived.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have our new bogeyman and the War on Terror is back on track as we can only hope that his fellow terrorists don't allow him to handle any explosives because then we would have to start all over again and Ahmadinejad is proving too wise to be manoeuvred into public enemy number one and Kim jong un just looks like a perfectly harmless fat, boy band member.

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