FOAB Information

Thursday 14 February 2013

Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory

Any conspiracy theory that classes David Icke as a credible source is on shakey ground from the start but nevertheless, the man who thinks that a secret group of reptilian humanoids are controlling humanity is being claimed by the Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists who are questioning whether the Government were behind the December massacre. 
'Sandy Hook was a blatantly staged event with endless inconsistencies and countless contradictions' says Mr Icke which echoes such sites as this one that exclaim that 'No motive whatsoever has been established for Adam Lanza doing this, and there is no record of him doing anything cruel to anyone, ever, and yet they are forcing us to believe that he did it, without providing one speck of actual evidence, and despite lying to us from the beginning.'
The Obama administration perpetrated the hoax, the conspiracy theorists claim, in order to ratchet up support for tougher gun control measures and point to the 'smoking gun' which is a a photo of President Barack Obama, backstage at a Newtown vigil two days after the shooting with a young blonde girl sitting on his lap. The girl, the conspiracy theorists say, is six-year-old Emilie Parker who was one of the 20 child victims of the shooting and conclusive proof that something very fishy is going on. In fact, it's the dead girl's little sister.
Another Newtown conspiracy are that there were four members of the Israeli special forces and that crisis actors were employed by the government to give anguished interviews in order to drive home the need for gun control.
The idea is that the Obama administration was so desperate to bring in gun controls that they arranged for the massacre, picking small children to obtain the highest amount of sympathy. 
All repellent nonsense obviously and if anything it strengthens Obama hand on gun control because if anything, the thought that brain dead idiots like these conspiracy theorists own deadly weapons can only lead to even tougher gun measures.


  1. I love the way these people just ignore facts. Lanza actually fits the typology of a potential shooter very tightly. The fact that he didn't cause much trouble beforehand is fairly typical - and scary too, since this means it's hard to anticipate/pre-empt/prevent.

  2. too much agent orange... some people were exposed to too much agent orange. recognize it. let it go. the US government did not down the towers and did not shoot a bunch of kids.

    Lucy, you do a good job of finding every nut case in America.


    ps - for the record I'm not counting my self as one of the nut cases...

  3. It does seem Americans are especially good at coming up with these conspiracy theories but where as this one is in bad taste, i usually love them and do hunt them out. It must be something in your water, probably what the Obama Government put there.
