FOAB Information

Sunday 17 March 2013

Birther Movement For Boris

With the Conservative Party doing a great job here, it is with some surprise that the Party members are jockeying for position to replace David Cameron when he is removed from his job at the next election.
Home Secretary, Theresa May, has been the first to break ranks and has been slapped down by her fellow Tories and made to sit at the side in the commons which is not a bad thing, there are enough scary things to look at on the Conservative front bench already without her grinning face peering out from behind David Cameron's shoulder as he defends yet another cut in public spending.
In reality, when Cameron goes, Theresa May was never going to be in the running for the top job as Boris Johnson seems to have that place sewn up.
Or does he because although there are very few legal restraints on who can be Prime Minister, the three musts are they MUST be an elected Member of Parliament, they MUST be at least 18 years old and they MUST be a citizen of the UK, Republic of Ireland or one of the 52 other Commonwealth member countries.
Last time i looked America was not in the Commonwealth and as Boris was born in New York, he should be ruled out of being PM on account of being American.
I don't deny that as a sideshow, Boris is great fun and very amusing, but then so was George W Bush who played the same game of appearing as dumb as a post which had the effect of  deflecting some of the attention from his awful policies.
Boris and Cameron are cut from the same cloth, both old Etonians, both ex-members of the Bullingdon Club and both with an unhealthy friendship with the Murdoch press who joined forces recently to berate the EU for suggesting that banker's bonuses should be capped.
I like Boris on a personal level, he is extremely charming, funny and likable but that is precisely what makes him so dangerous because while he is appearing as host on TV game shows he isn't doing any harm, but in a real position of power, the consequences would be a train wreck.
As an American, let him try his luck there, as the country that gave us Dubya, there may be enough Republican voters left that hanker after another dunderheaded right wing politician.
Meanwhile, maybe we should borrow another leaf from the American election process and introduce our own birther movement, show us your Birth Certfiicate Boris!

1 comment:

  1. Boris is a Muslim too. I red it on da interwebs.
