FOAB Information

Friday 29 March 2013

Miliband Appointment Puzzling

I thought irony hit its peak when Tony Blair was made a special envoy to the Middle East, a man who had done more than his fair share to bring death and injury to the region and was now trying to bring peace to it, but irony now has another high.
One of Blairs most loyal lieutenants behind the Labour Government policy of bringing democracy to places by bombing the hell out it, David Miliband, has been appointed as President and Chief Executive of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) a global humanitarian aid organisation that 'saves lives and protects people around the world'.   
Many people believe that when the Labour Party were looking for a successor to Gordon Brown, they chose the wrong Miliband brother but for many of us Labour voters, older brother David was tainted by his support for the atrocious Iraq War.
The irony of David Miliband heading a humanitarian organisation when he was part of the Government who created some of the worlds disasters areas has not been lost on other aid agencies such as Medicine Without Borders who have criticised the appointment of a former foreign secretary, especially one with the record of the elder Miliband, as they already have to battle accusations that western aid agencies are just another tool of nations involved militarily in conflict zones.
'Our efforts to convince warring parties that are independent from foreign political agendas has became less credible as a result of this appointment' said a spokesman for MWB and he has hit the nail on the head.
When a charity rolls up to help out, and you hear it is funded by the likes of the US Government (72% of its funding is from the US Government) Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, JP Morgan Pepsi and Pfizer and have board members that include Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, Henry Kissinger and now David Miliband, you would be mad not to be suspicious of an ulterior motive as all these ex-Government members are distributing humanitarian aid to the very places and people that they did there damnedest to make sure now need it. 
Why a charity feels it needs a boardroom full of people who were part of the Governments who oversaw kidnapping, torture, illegal wars and the deaths of hundreds of thousands i will never understand, but if this motley crew turned up offering aid you couldn't blame the leader of being suspicious and as David Miliband is being paid £280,00 a year for his services, you should also wonder when we give to charity, how much is going to a board members fat salary and how much to the cause?  
Sadly, this news will mean supporters will be thinking twice about giving money to the IRC the next time they shake another collection box under our noses.

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