FOAB Information

Sunday 17 March 2013

Right Wing Always Wrong

There are some days when i think it must be terrible to be a right winger but it must be especially tough these days as the British right wing ideology crumbles around them.
First there was the right wing press, exposed as comprising some of the most vile journalists to ever pick up a pen and run by one of the most vilified men in history, Rupert Murdoch.
They not only lost their flagship newspaper, The News of The World, but regulation is about to be forced through that will regulate them to the hilt therefore making it open season for legal action to be taken against them if they continue with their current low standards of journalism.
Then there is the Conservative Party who are not only making such a historic mess of things and leaking votes to UKIP, they are heavily tipped to be booted out at the first chance in favour of the weakest Labour leader in living memory.     
Then there is the Capitalist system of they are so beloved, crashing down around their ears as countries are forced to go cap in hand to such evil places like the IMF and World Bank and give up the sovereignty for a few pieces of silver to stave off bankruptcy.
They can't even find refuge in their faith, the Church is beset with stories of paedophile priests and other wrongdoing as the Sunday congregations get smaller and smaller.
More and more it is quite nice to wake up as a Guardian reading Labour voting Socialist Atheist and have it confirmed what we knew all along, that the Right wing was, is, and will always be, just plain wrong and that gives me a nice warm glow inside.


  1. you confused ideals of the right with the abuse of an individual

    you seem to support limitations on free speech - for those that don't agree with you

    the conservatives inherited a mess and a significant populace that think government employees motivated by guarantees and little or no risk of failure will be productive

    what capitalist system? it has been muddled by social programs my entire life time. it is amazing the UK economy has survived this long - sadly the always wrong left is sucking the life out of the american economy slowly but surely

    again, you confuse Church with a handful of perverts and you confuse Church with faith

    the left would have nothing to work with if not for hundreds of years of the right - the always wrong left on works as long as it has someone else's money to spend...


  2. You're both right (or rather, correct) and you're both wrong! :)

  3. Not sure what part the first sentence is aimed at.

    Not against free speech, against bad journalists getting us all tarred with their bad brush. Just happens that the most prolific was a right wing rag.

    I guess the left sucking the life out of US economy is the public servants again. Not sure about there but here they are the people who keep law and order, nurse us back to health, fight our fires, collect the taxes and teach our children. Take them away and see how you get on.

    As the Church has the highest proportion of perverts, no confusion.

    It's taxes it spends, which is all someone else's money or do the right wing Governments somehow pay it out of their own pocket?
